Solar Planet is smart about solar power. And that makes us the smartest solar choice for you.
Solar Planet is a company made up of solar experts and solar advocates. We've invested the countless hours, effort, and energy required to intimately understand the solar power market. We've learned how and where solar power works best. We've identified the best manufacturers and installers and learned how to avoid installation pitfalls. We've discovered how to navigate the political landscape and work with the government. We've researched the state, federal, and manufacturer incentives, rebates, and warranties. And we've discovered how to expediently apply for and secure all available financial incentives.

In a nutshell, we've become the smartest solar company in the industry. All to make solar power a viable, affordable option for businesses like yours.
It just takes one phone call to get started.
Contact Solar Planet for a custom quote on your energy cost savings. And let our expertise bring all the advantages of solar to your world.
Solar Planet, Inc.
614 484 1533
Email Solar Planet
2500 Farmers Dr, Suite 140
Columbus, OH 43235